Cheap Web Hosting For Only $0.83 Per Month!
Hosting a website online is the most annoying thing. A person can
get very annoyed by the constant down times on free hosts. Many companies offer free hosting but there is no guarantee that your site is safe or will be safe! The host can shut down as they like. But also shared hosting that comes in price can too be a little problem. With all the big hosts trying to butcher the clients on shared hosting it is just simply amusing how they get the new customers!
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Showing posts with label self hosted blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self hosted blogs. Show all posts
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Get $10/Year Cheap Web hosting!
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Cheapest VPS Hosting Online!
Host Your Blogs and Website on Cheap VPS!
Hosting your site or your files on the internet is the most expensive thing that can be. With every host trying to
butcher you out with hidden rules and regulations there is a little chance for you to get the hosting service you want to host your files or to host your website, games etc. There are many solutions that are offered by web hosting companies to host your website on shared as well as on virtual private network but the problem is that they are expensive as hell..
Friday, January 9, 2015
Boost Up SEO For WordPress Site - Blog
How To Optimize SEO For WordPress
Search engine optimization is the necessity for every webmaster. Many business hire top developers simply to gain top position in search engines or better yet simply get more traffic. Search engine optimization is the key to the traffic that converts to leads and expands your business online and also make you more profit. But why pay for something that can be achieved for free! Read this article and optimize SEO for WordPress. This tutorial for Search engine Optimization is not for all the sites but some points can be used for any kind of site.
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Easy Site Builder For WordPress
Drag and Drop Web Page Builder For WordPress!
WordPress is not as hard as the other competitors like drupal and concrete5 but still it takes some pretty neat tricks and skills to manage a WordPress site and even a blog. Many people find it difficult to create WordPress sites because they don't have knowledge about the basic html or people like me don't have much time to write a single code for every table and picture. But there is a way to build WordPress site without any kind of html knowledge and you can actually build a page like you want with simple drag and drop widgets!
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Import Posts From Blogger To WordPress
Import Data From Blogger To WordPress Without Plugins - XML to WXR
Blogger just keeps getting better and better for everyone around because of its SEO support, This is blogger's bright side but on the dark side blogger and specially Google is finding ways to torture its publishers and make the experience of fun more miserable. While recently blogger announced that it would end support of oEmbed in 2015. Now i don't know the whole version of the announcement but its clear that with the end of oEmbed it would be pretty darn hard to simply import posts and pages from your Blogger's blog to WordPress blog!
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Top 5 Free Web Hosting sites!
Top 5 Free Web Hosting sites!
Get free web hosting from best companies!
There is a website for almost anything and everything in this world.From shoes to laces. There is a website for everything on the planet. Even people make websites as a part of hobby and entertainment. In the past hosting a website was a headache with the monthly fees like rent and all that but now you can actually host a website on a free hosting website...
Monday, November 10, 2014
How To Block Specific IP in WordPress?
How To Block Specific IP in WordPress?
Block countries, IP and advance blocking in WordPress!
With the technology expanding in the world and with the increase in the usage of technology. Crimes over the internet are increasing day by day. Nowadays Some people attack websites with no reason or problem! They don't even know the admin or the owner of the website. Their mission is to simply destroy website that is the source of food for the owner or moderator. My Self hosted WordPress site has been destroyed many times and as you can see the site is not to its original position but it is good that i knew how to stop attacks on my WordPress site
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
How Tumblr Saved My blog?
How Tumblr Saved My blog?
Why you should use tumblr auto posting widget?
Our world is full of bad people. These bad people also try to harm us good people by the means of internet! They try to steal information, They try to hack secretinformation and data, They try to lure people into scams or simply they try to destroy your websites because they have nothing better to do.But....
Monday, October 27, 2014
How to secure wordpress Blog or Website?
How to secure WordPress Blog or Website?
How to secure self hosted WordPress website & blogs?
People from every age love to blog online and share the passion with the world. Many people love to blog and now it is turning in an industry and into a business. People use different platforms like blogger,, Tumblr and other micoblogging networks but the most popular is the Self hosted WordPress blog because there are no limits of its function. You can write articles, install forums in a single click or simply create an eCommerce website in couple of minutes. There is no stopping it. It is almost like a treasure for its creator and owner because of the hard work that it require just to manage...
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