Sunday, October 18, 2015

How to install adblock on Android devices?

Get Ad blocking Browser for Android Devices!

adblock for androidOnline advertising is one of the best way to reach the desired customers. Many websites advertise to generate income and to stay alive. But sometimes websites spam ads just to generate profit. If you are a PC user or a Laptop user you can easily install Adblock in chrome and get rid of those pesky ads but if you are a Tablet or smartphone user then you can't actually install any kind of adblocker plugin in your smartphone or device. Its okay if you are visitor of normal sites like yahoo, Google etc but if you wanna visit sites that are filled with ads and pop ads on your smartphone then you get annoyed pretty easily with windows opening and making you close them.

Unfortunately google chrome doesn't allow extension on Android devices but there is a browser that doesn't need any kind of extra addon or extension installation and can block all the ads, pop ads and pop under ads.
Now you can install UC browser and get rid of all those spamming ads in your browser window. You can easily watch videos on YouTube without any kind of interruption and you can do more with all new UC browser built for android devices and other devices as well.

To Install UC browser on your device simply visit the link below:-
Download UC Browser

UC browser is a free browser and have many cool features like direct drive download and cool video player! The best part about it that i loved is that it blocks ads and you can do your work easily on the internet from your tablet or smartphone device without any kind of video or ad popping up in your face.

Hopefully Google finds time to enable Ad blocker in Chrome but i highly doubt it that google will try to block ads since Google rely on Advertising. Enjoy adblock on android

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