Showing posts with label free game server. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free game server. Show all posts

Saturday, October 25, 2014

How To Create a Free Game Server hosting?

How To Create a Free Game Server Hosting?

Nowadays owning an online server is a lot of hard work.First you have to pay the host because running a server from your personal Computer or Laptop is just crazy. Then after that you have to install the whatever game server you wanna install then configure all the things plus install plugins and this and that and after that configuring the ports and so on and on and on.

But what if i tell you that you don’t need to pay a single cent for the servers and you can use it as you like?

Sounds like a dream? and no i am not talking about that free VPS that is on the internet. I am talking about the hosts who provide free servers to you for couple of hours or days for free!!!!!!

I will tell you about how you can own a game server without any knowledge about it and without any money. Its simple just follow the sites that i tell you and you will have a server in no time!

First site is for like hour base site. You get the server for three hours for free plus you can choose ten plugins to double the fun.You must have a steam id because you will be admin so admin need steam id…… You will get the sever after a little form in no time plus you can play for 3 hours and you can also make Clan matches on the server for free. Visit Site Here

Or If you wanna have a server for more than that then there is a second site for gaming servers. The site also offers free game servers and with an extra spice for you that you can have the server as long as you can occupy it. Meaning that if the server remains full or with few players then it wont shut off but if all the players left the server the server will automatically shut off and will be closed so its kind of best deal you can get for free. A gaming server that you can turn anyway you like and can play as long as you want as an admin.Like i said before both sites have the game servers like Call of duty 4,  Call of Duty 2 and Conter Strike 1.6, Source and Go, So You can have all game servers for free. Just rememeber that admin must have steam Id or else the server will be uncontrolable.