Friday, July 11, 2014

5 Easy Steps To Get Traffic For Free!

Get Free Traffic With 5 Easy Steps!

Nowadays every kid in the block has a website

or a blog that he or she has created for his friends or for monetizing. Is is simple to create a blog with the help of blogger but it is damn hard to get an audience for your Website or blog. How can you be social if nobody knew that you have a website or a blog? How can you earn from your Adsense account without any traffic to your blog or website? Many people offer different kind of crazy strategies for you to get traffic but i have a free solution which you can use to get free traffic!

There are somethings that are mandatory. If you don't check these things. Chances are your blog or website might not get traffic even after the 5 simple steps to get traffic.

  • Check If you have good material/Content on your website or blog! You cannot expect traffic from spam posts or material. 

  • Good and easy Template or theme is recommended, Many people try different kind of stupid themes which makes the users frustrate to navigate and you lost traffic one by one.

  • Social Widgets are recommended in the Template or theme! I will tell you the importance later.

  • Be clear what the site is about and show it on the home page and descriptoin!

So these are simple precautions or mandatory checkup before using my 5 simple steps to get traffic!

1. SEO Boost!

I know that everyone would think i knew that but how can i take this step off? since it is the classic and the most efficient way to get the traffic without any extra effort. There is a little effort in making your site look good. These are the efforts and tweaks you have to do in your site or blog. 

Add a description, Keywords and author name to the site.

<head>  <meta charset="UTF-8"><meta name="description" content="Free Web tutorials"><meta name="keywords" content="HTML,CSS,XML,JavaScript"><meta name="author" content="Zain ul Abideen"></head>

Remember that you must have to change the site description to your own, Keywords and author name to your own and this should stay between the tags or else it wont work. 

Get a Domain. They are cheap and they can give you the boost in the search engines. Get Domain for $0.48 only!

2. Check The Title!

Check the title of the post or website page because the first thing that the search engine look at is what is the title of the page? Use


tags more and more. Don't make stupid titles like "i am washing my face" be more creative. Change it to "How you can make your face clear". Remember that search engines like unique content. If you post titles that are simple and are too much similar then it wouldn't be good for search engines. For blogger always change permalink to your own title for better seo traffic.

3. Socialize Your site or blog!

Did you know that social media is the best way to get traffic? so why not add widgets and necessary tools that can help you boost traffic by using the sites like Facebook and Twitter? Every post or page that you create can attract a lot of people on the social media and that will bring more and more traffic. Don't be shy, Tell your friends, Family and everyone that you know or don't know. You are kind of marketing your site and blog and reach everywhere where you think you can get traffic. Join related forums for extra traffic because they let you add signature or a link to your site.

4. Tools To Gain Traffic:-

Use Google webmaster tools and analytic tools to get check if there is any kind of error and you can check the traffic and users preference with the analytic tools. You can know about any kind of error that crawlers face or any kind of post or page that is hard to access. Try the tools they are free and will give you the basic information on how you can gain more an more traffic. If you are running a blog you can know what is the interest that your users have, What search queries that they used to get to your website. In this way you get knowledge about the good keywords or meta tags for your page! Submit your site to the search engines and then see the traffic coming!

5. Less Images More Text!

What everybody likes? Images? They have twitter and Facebook for that! Videos? They have YouTube and Dailymotion for that. It is good to add videos and images to your website but remember that images and videos should be there only to support the text not text to support the images or videos. You can gain traffic if you add good text and some images or a video to support your idea of the page. Try to add more text but don't add too much or else the reader will lose interest in your page and will leave the website. Add unique content and make your website full of traffic.

Alternatively if you don't like to do all the work you can actually get traffic for free using the above banners. Also you can pay to get unique traffic. You can also pay to get a good ranking and boost your traffic. Submit to Google and 300+ other search engines for only $4.99 at!

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