Thursday, June 25, 2015

Buy Domain With Western Union?

Purchase a Domain With Western Union!

Domain with western unionPurchasing a domain without a Credit Card or a Debit Card has always been difficult! While most companies give and handout discount coupons they only give discounts to the purchases made via a valid credit card or a debit card! If you try to purchase a domain or even hosting with a PayPal the terms get tempered and you lose the discount that you were interested in the first place. While many people are unhappy with this they can't do anything about this as this is implied by many huge and popular domain hosting companies. But if you don't have a Debit card or credit card then you can also get domain easily without any kind of trouble!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

5 Essentials For WordPress Site Security!

Tips To Secure Your WordPress Blog or Website!

WordPress securityCreating a blog or a website on WordPress is hard and many people face difficulty setting up a WordPress site or blog! People invest time in WordPress site so that they can establish a website! But many times there are haters on the internet and they don't like what they see! They wanna practice their hacking techniques on your WordPress site! Even my website got attacked couple of times and they were successful destroying my WordPress website! But There are many ways you can protect your WordPress site and these are kind of essentials that can be used to protect your WordPress site. These steps can help you save money and save your WordPress site.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Buy Bitcoins With Debit Card/Credit Card

Purchase bitcoins with Credit Card or Debit Card easily!

Buy bitcoin with debit card or credit card
Buying bitcoins online can be a difficult task especially many people don't accept payments by major payment processors like PayPal, Credit Card, Debit card or even payment processors from USA like Dwolla, Amazon payments etc because these are high risk payment processors meaning people can get scam if the money gets disputed by the buyer! Similarly you cannot purchase Bitcoins if you need to purchase Bitcoins with a debit card or a credit card online because of the high risk factor involved! But now you can easily buy bitcoins online with your credit card or debit card easily without any kind of verification or waiting time!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Purchase a Domain From Unverified PayPal

Domain Hosting That Accepts PayPal Unverified Account For Purchasing Domains!

unverified paypal domain hostingMany stores online accept PayPal for purchasing and paying for goods and services but most of the stores online don't accept PayPal unverified accounts because of the risk of stolen accounts or worse! Many stores online have policy of verified PayPal accounts. Similarly you cannot purchase domain from big registrars without a PayPal verified account! They have this option for their own safety and to help get the business flowing. But now you can actually register a domain with your unverified PayPal account without any kind of verification or any kind of problem! You can register the domain in your name whatever you like and not worry about the unverified PayPal account!

Monday, June 15, 2015

How To Buy Gift Cards With Discount!

Buy & Get Discount On Amazon, iTunes, eBay, Target, Sears and Many other gift cards!

Cheap Gift CardsGetting discounts online in online shopping should be priority of every person who shops online! Many people throw away money at large stores and shopping websites without searching for discount offers or without any kind of coupons because of the fear of the phishing websites or phishing links! Similarly many people buy Gift cards online from the original websites that sell Gift cards like Amazon, Itune, Facebook, Steam, Sears, Target, eBay etc but the problem is from purchasing from the main site is that they don't hand you discount and only give you discount when there is a holiday or they are in mood! But now you can easily get discount on Gift Cards from Amazon, eBay etc directly or even get cash back from the gift card vendors!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Get Cashback On Amazon Shopping

Get 30% Discount and Cash Back From Amazon!

Amazon Cashback

Getting discount on Amazon can be a miracle! Most of the time the discounts and coupons are only available on limited days like holidays etc. Even if you are able to get your hands on discount codes from Amazon then you can't buy the thing that you need from Amazon as most discounts are category wise meaning and you get discounts on products that you either don't need or you don't like but now you can easily get discount from amazon and get cashback on any product from Amazon without any kind of code or any kind of discount links that end with spam!

Monday, June 1, 2015

How To Automatically Watermark Images?

Watermark Images And Pictures On Website or Blog Automatically!

WaterMark your images on the fly with's Protection ProgramImages are the value of the website. Good images and artwork help website gain good place in search engines and help SEO. You can even get in top if you have images that are your property and are not on the internet! Keeping your images safe is another thing. If you run a website or a blog then you might know that your images are copied and then used on the other sites without your permission and this bring down the rank of your website because your content cannot be unique if your images are copied and used on all over the websites. The only thing you can do to protect your images on your blog or on your website is watermark them! But watermarking every image on your website or blog takes time and you cannot save time watermarking each and everyone of the images!